TiFast is the new European Titanium producer
TiFast is a European producer of titanium, from melting to finished bars, for the most challenging applications.

Medical Devices



See what we can do!
TiFast Titanium
Thanks to an experienced team and strong shareholders, TiFast has built a new plant by using the best technologies for the production of titanium dedicated to aerospace, medical, racing and industrial markets.
TiFast melts titanium ingots and manufactures bars, wires and billets. It has its own integrated laboratories. TiFast is certified by the American Aerospace NADCAP, is ISO13485 for Medical Devices and is ISO14001 for Environmental.

Titanium is the metal of the 21st century thanks to its impressive high properties and outstanding performances with always new applications. Titanium is also environmentally friendly and sexy.
Main reasons why to choose Titanium

So Strong
Titanium has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any structural metal.

Titanium low density is 56% that of steel.

Corrosion Resistant
Titanium natural oxide film makes an excellent corrosion resistance against acids, chlorine, salts, polluted waters.

Titanium is the most biocompatible of all metals.

Environmentally Friendly
Titanium is the 4th metal on earth and it is easy to extract. More than 95% of its scrap can be recycled.

Titanium is the metal for design, jewellery and architecture due to its multiple possible colours and surface aspects.
Full of properties
Non-magnetic, low thermal conductivity, low modulus of elasticity , erosion resistant, low coefficient of expansion and also compatible with Graphite composites.